Sunday, March 31, 2013

Final Four Predictions

Matchup #1: Michigan vs Syracuse
I think that Michigan has more talent offensively overall  And with Trey Burke showing some of his Naismith potential they should come out with the win.

Prediction: Michigan wins 64-60

Matchup #2: Witchita St. vs Louisville
I think Louisville will come out very strong and tough and Witchita won't be able to matchup offensively  And with the loss off Ware, that will fuel Louisville's engine even more.

Prediction: Louisville wins 78-64

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Bulls Cool the Heat

A short handed Chicago Bulls team ended the Miami Heat's 27 game winning streak on Wednesday, March 27th. They played a very aggressive, physical game all the way out. From a great game from Boozer and Butler, the Bulls pulled it out. The Heat played a pretty solid game, but there were some poor decisions made by both Wade and Lebron. On multiple occasions they would get mixed up on screens and would end up leaving Deng wide open for a three.Wade though that they were switching everything while Lebron thought otherwise. Aside from that, this game was very intense. Boozer and Lebron had some beef going. On one play, Lebron got hit in his neck by Taj Gibson and a flagrant foul wasn't called. Carlos gave him some words for thought and Lebron shrugged it off. Then on the next play, Boozer came to set a screen on Lebron and Lebron intentionally shoved Boozer. But, Lebron got called for a flagrant foul. From there, the Bulls began to pull away and get it into a five point gap. The heat had no timeouts and they had to play the foul game until the buzzer sounded. There were no handshakes or hugs given after the game, the Heat went directly to the locker room.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Will the Lakers make the Playoffs?

I believe that the Lakers will probably end up making the playoffs. By just looking at how the Jazz are playing, the Lakers have a pretty good opportunity at making the playoffs. But, if they do make the playoffs I predict a sweep in the first round. They look absolutely horrible. Remember that this is a team that was supposed to be championship contenders, and they're just barely making the playoffs. The chemistry just isn't there. Dwight is playing with absolutely no heart or swagger. When you watch him play it looks like he's just playing to play without any emotion. Kobe is playing incredible and it is barely enough to get to the playoffs. What i think really hurts them is that they have no young stud on the perimeter, like a Rudy Gay or Josh Smith type. Until they get a player like that, the Lakers will continue failing.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Should Derrick Rose return now?

This is a subject a lot of people seem to be talking about. Many people say yes and many people say no. I believe that Derrick Rose should return right now since he is able to do so. I think he should return before the playoffs so he could get a few practice games in before the real show. It would be hard coming back from his injury straight to a playoff game. But that is just my opinion, I would let him loose. We will see soon.

Chris Paul or Kyrie Irving?

This is a touchy subject for two outstanding point guards. These are the top two point guards in the NBA in my eyes. In my opinion Kyrie Irving is a better player than Chris Paul. Kyrie is a better scorer in my eyes and even though he doesn't average a lot of assists, he can still pass when he needs to. I think Chris Paul gets a lot more glamour than Kyrie because of where he plays, but Kyrie still gets his when losing. The only thing I'll say about Kyrie is that he gets hurt very often. It may be bad luck or simply because he's just not durable. Either way Chris Paul is much more durable than him. Aside from that, I'll have to give it to Kyrie.

What the Bucks will Struggle with next year

The Milwaukee Bucks have a problem next year. They are going to have to make some key decisions. They have 3 of there main players that contracts expire next year. Those players are Monta Elis, Brandon Jennings, and JJ Redick. They are going to figure out who they want to keep. I'm sure they would like to keep all of them, but that is very slim of a chance. If I were them, I would absolutely positively keep Brandon Jennings. He is the key to them and I think he has the most upside to his game. Now from there I would probably give up Monta and try to keep Redick. The Monta and Brandon situation has completely failed, they've done pretty good actually, but I think that JJ would fit better and compliment Brandon. Also, they have to decide if they are going to stick with coach Jim Boylan or not. I don't think they should keep him. Kareem volunteered to coach them and I think he should get a shot at the job. So, with letting go of Monta, it gives you some cap space to sign a player like Josh Smith. So the Bucks have some decisions to make.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Top 5 NBA Players with the most Swag

1. Russel Westbrook
  • Russell wears some of the craziest things. He brings the new/old school style back. He wears what kids would wear nowadays. With the skin tight shirt and the colorful skinny jeans, this man gets the #1 spot.
2/3. Blake Griffin and Chris Paul
  • I decided to put these 2 together since they're teammates. These two wear pretty outrageous things collectively and usually do there post game interviews together. This earns them the 2nd and 3rd spot.
4. Brandon Jennings
  • He gets the fourth spot because he is basically the modern day Allen Iverson. He is bringing swagger back to the NBA. In the way he carries himself and in the way he plays. He earned the fourth spot.
5. Lebron James
  • Last but not least comes Lebron James. He has more of the professional type of swag. He rocks the shades and a suit and tie better than anyone in the NBA. This earns him the 5th spot.