Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Bulls Cool the Heat

A short handed Chicago Bulls team ended the Miami Heat's 27 game winning streak on Wednesday, March 27th. They played a very aggressive, physical game all the way out. From a great game from Boozer and Butler, the Bulls pulled it out. The Heat played a pretty solid game, but there were some poor decisions made by both Wade and Lebron. On multiple occasions they would get mixed up on screens and would end up leaving Deng wide open for a three.Wade though that they were switching everything while Lebron thought otherwise. Aside from that, this game was very intense. Boozer and Lebron had some beef going. On one play, Lebron got hit in his neck by Taj Gibson and a flagrant foul wasn't called. Carlos gave him some words for thought and Lebron shrugged it off. Then on the next play, Boozer came to set a screen on Lebron and Lebron intentionally shoved Boozer. But, Lebron got called for a flagrant foul. From there, the Bulls began to pull away and get it into a five point gap. The heat had no timeouts and they had to play the foul game until the buzzer sounded. There were no handshakes or hugs given after the game, the Heat went directly to the locker room.

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