Friday, March 22, 2013

Top 5 NBA Players with the most Swag

1. Russel Westbrook
  • Russell wears some of the craziest things. He brings the new/old school style back. He wears what kids would wear nowadays. With the skin tight shirt and the colorful skinny jeans, this man gets the #1 spot.
2/3. Blake Griffin and Chris Paul
  • I decided to put these 2 together since they're teammates. These two wear pretty outrageous things collectively and usually do there post game interviews together. This earns them the 2nd and 3rd spot.
4. Brandon Jennings
  • He gets the fourth spot because he is basically the modern day Allen Iverson. He is bringing swagger back to the NBA. In the way he carries himself and in the way he plays. He earned the fourth spot.
5. Lebron James
  • Last but not least comes Lebron James. He has more of the professional type of swag. He rocks the shades and a suit and tie better than anyone in the NBA. This earns him the 5th spot.

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